Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Stroll in Avon Pass

With the weekend running out and nothing but freezing rain in the forecast, we decided to get out for a hike today. Gavin enjoyed the view from the backpack and the girls (myself included) relished in being able to run free. We saw cows and horses and grouse and deer and SIX golden eagles and Gavin saw the backs of his eyelids for an hour or so. When we got back to the truck he was in a playful mood and once we got home and he got some lunch in him he went down for ANOTHER nap for almost three hours! Its amazing what a little fresh air will do.


Karen Lynn said...

Are you sure Brody(ie?) had a good time? xo, nicki

Pop said...

We took our snowy stroll in the woods along the DuPage River and saw 6 deer, including a buck. It was ccccold!

Melanie.Justin.Ethan.Leif said...

Beautiful place. I just want to kiss those lips! Can't help it.