Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Just for fun

Gavin got a red "Molar Man" cape on his first visit to his new dentist 6 months ago.  He forgot about it for awhile, but I resurrected it the other day to prep him for his upcoming appointment.  As soon as he put it on he started feeling pretty Super.  Today was his dentist appointment and he came home with a red mask to match the cape.  I predict more Super-ness from him in the near future.

Gavin likes to read 'magazines' when he sits on the potty (hmmm - where did he learn to do that?), so we keep a pile of his books in the cabinet.  Daddy keeps his magazines in the same cabinet, so Gavin sometimes ends up reading Outside, National Geographic, Reader's Digest or Playboy instead.  Which magazine do you think the sunny-side-up Adam & Eve picture came from?  No, not Playboy.  It was Reader's Digest.  The minute he saw it he called me in to look at it and suggested/demanded that we make it for breakfast the next day.  So we did.  And yeah - ours was even better than the RD one.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

Chicken Update

Some e-correspondence with the Chicken Lady has brought to light that our Supposed Barnevelder is, in fact, a Spangled Russian Orloff.  At first I was ready to trade our Orloffs back to her for the chocolate-brown-egg-laying Barnevelders that we thought we were getting.  However, Paula (at whose house all of our chicks currently reside) tells me that the "Russkis" are her favorites and she's grown attached to them.  So be it.  I'm easily swayed.  Especially when I remind myself that the Barnevelder eggs wouldn't actually taste like chocolate.  What a tease.  Also, the Russkis are pretty neat themselves.  They're very rare and originally from chilly Persia, so they are very cold-hardy and they reliably lay eggs right on through winter.  Our more temperate breeds do OK in winter if they're given supplemental light in the mornings and evenings, but they still slow down to some extent.

The chicks are growing well at Paula & Tom's house and as of yesterday they were moved outside into the swanky coop that Tom built.  When they get a little bigger we'll bring our four ladies home.  Then we need to decide what to do with our three 2-year-olds, who frankly have been slacking in the egg-laying department.