Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Trout Slayer

We spent Saturday through Monday of Memorial Day weekend in the Wind River Range in southwest Wyoming. We followed our friends Lev and Shanna to a great little camp spot tucked away in the trees, overlooking the Green River. It was chilly, but there was plenty of firewood laying around and we somehow even managed not to get rained on. On Sunday we took our canoe out on Green River Lakes for a family float. Brandon fished for awhile and eventually Gavin said he wanted to fish too. Brandon cast the line, then steadied the pole as Gavin reeled the line back in. After a minute or so of reeling, WHAM! A bite! Brandon helped Gavin reel the fish in and when it got close to the boat, Gavin grabbed the net and hauled in a ~4-lb. lake trout. It was the only fish our group caught all weekend. Brandon cooked it up over the campfire that night and Gavin ate it voraciously.

Click HERE for more photos from the weekend.

1 comment:

Mae Shane and Andrew said...

Julie! congratulations! We were in Lander on Sunday and Monday! Sounds like you had a great trip!