Thursday, June 10, 2010

Spring Harvest

We've been nibbling at our garden lettuce for a week or two now, but today marked our first radish harvest.
Gavin is great about eating vegetables, but for some reason whenever we have salad he doesn't want to eat the lettuce. Even when we made a salad with our garden lettuce, he refused. But today when Brandon showed him that he could eat the lettuce right off the plants in the garden, he started stuffing his mouth and it was all we could do to get him out of there before he ate our entire crop.
The chickens just keep getting bigger. We've discovered that we can open the door to their run and let them roam around free without having to worry about them going too far. Gavin is pretty good at catching them, but they seem to be getting faster and better at eluding him. With a little patience he can woo them with worms from the compost bin and with his dulcet, "here, chicken-chicken...". Oh, and by the way, he got his hair cut today. Now he looks less like an orphan and more like the handsome little dude that he is.

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