Monday, August 29, 2011

City Livin'

Busy as we are unpacking, fixing and updating our living space, and trying to get a handle on yard work, we still manage to get out and enjoy SLC on occasion.  Brandon and I have been on TWO dates: one to see G. Love at Red Butte (thanks, Frantzes!) and one to see Saturday's Voyeur at the Salt Lake Acting Company with a group of friends from the north 'burbs.  We hope to find a few reliable neighborhood babysitters so we can make 'date night' a weekly occurrence.  A couple of weekends ago we ventured into the city to check out a free event for kids at the Salt Lake Art Center.  Both G and V fell asleep shortly after we got on the road, so we skipped the Art Center went on tour of the downtown area for a little while instead.   When the kids woke up we decided to check out the Children's Library at the Salt Lake City Library.
Approaching the impressive library building.
Playing in the water feature.

An exciting, frivolous (the Children's library is in the basement) ride up the elevator.
Entrance to "The Attic."
"The Attic" is one of two special reading rooms at the Children's Library.  The other is the "Crystal Cave."
A Light in the Attic (she shines so brightly).
 Yesterday we ventured to Liberty Park with our friend Scott and his 4-year-old son, Keegan.  There's a water feature at the park called "Seven Canyons Fountain".  It's a miniaturized version of the Wasatch Front with water flowing down each of (you guessed it) seven little 'canyons'.  The park also has an aviary, a playground with a sprinkler pad, a sled hill, and even a ferris wheel. 

1 comment:

Jessica said...

You have the most beautiful family, Julie! It's great to see that you're getting settled into your new home and finding time to play in the city too. Salt Lake has a lot to offer if you get out there. Vivian looks so vibrant and full of life. You really do have such a healthy, beautiful family.