Friday, November 26, 2010

In Loving Memory

My maternal grandmother Irene passed away yesterday. In 1916 when she was born, Thanksgiving was celebrated on the last Thursday in November (it was changed in the 1940's to the 4th Thursday in November). Grandma was born into this life on Thanksgiving Day and she passed into the next on Thanksgiving Day. So while she didn't quite make it to her 94th birthday on November 30th, she lived for 95 Thanksgivings. Clever woman.

I have so many fond childhood memories of feeding ducks and going swimming with her in the summers, watching her carve the Thanksgiving turkey, and spending Christmas Eves at her house.  As I got older, Gram and I didn't always see eye-to-eye. She was very traditional, conservative, and Catholic, and I was... not. Despite our differences we never lost sight of our grandmother-granddaughter connection and our unconditional love for one another got us through quite a few quarrels. While many of my decisions, big and small, went against her wishes, I always considered her point of view and she had a tremendous influence on me.

I will miss you, Gram!


Brandon said...

A woman that deserves a good wake. As a woman of the world, she was influentual in many peoples lives, including mine. May the afterlive, whatever it is for you, bring you peace and happiness. You will always be remembered. Much love, Brandon

Joe said...

Aww... sorry to hear you've lost your Gram Julie :( *hugs*

Jason S. Alexander said...

Love love love to all of you, I know how much she meant to you Julie. -nicki