Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lovin' from the Oven

Brandon and I wanted to stock the freezer with meals so we wouldn't have to cook much once the baby arrives, so I trolled the internet and was lucky enough to stumble onto the Once a Month Mom website. Once a month, OAMM guru Tricia comes up with a menu, a grocery list, and step-by-step instructions for making a boatload of meals in one day using seasonal ingredients. So this morning, after having already spent a few hours yesterday doing some of the prep cooking, we took a deep breath, grabbed our knives and crossed our fingers. We literally spent the entire day together in the kitchen as we blissfully included fresh zucchini, cucumbers, eggplant, herbs, and a TON of tomatoes from our garden in the recipes. I took it as a good sign when, at 4 pm, after spending the entire day on his feet and with a couple more hours of food prep ahead of him, Brandon said, "this was a really good idea".

Here's what we made...

Breakfasts: * Sausage Apple Egg Casserole * Apple Baked Oatmeal * Breakfast Wraps *

Lunches: * California Sushi Wraps * Chicken and Wild Rice Soup * Pizza Soup *

Dinners: * Eggplant Parmesan * Sausage Ratatouille * Baked Creamy Veggie Pasta * Tostada Goop * Down Home Spaghetti Sauce * Simple Down Home Lasagna *

...Not to mention a big ol' mess (even though we tried to keep up on doing dishes throughout the day)...
We had to do some creative stacking and rearranging to fit it all on our spare freezer, but we did it and we're dang proud. Note that there are 5 more 32-oz yogurt containers full of soup & spaghetti sauce on the freezer door. Whew!


Leanna said...

I love it! So good for you all!!!

Rice-Ball said...

This is VERY impressive! I'll have to check out that site! I especially like how you were blissfully in the kitchen, cooking TOGETHER, that's what I love most! :)

Anna @ Take the Side Street said...

Wow. Love this idea! You're so on top of things, quit makin us all look bad ;)