Saturday, May 16, 2009


He did it! Brandon's goal (aside from just finishing) was to finish in under 2 hours. He came in at 1:51, beating his personal goal by nine minutes. His official time will likely be even faster since he was at the back of the pack at the starting line. I am SO proud of you, Brandon!
They had all sorts of food and drink for the runners at the finish line, as well as a live band and lots of festive atmosphere.


Susan Frantz said...

Very cool! Nice Work B!!!!!

Pop said...


Karen Lynn said...

So proud of you brandon! love, nicki

Jackie & Tony said...

Dudes! Ya'll have the same dance moves! Miss you guys! we'll be in SLC July 4th weekend and then again for k&a's wedding the following... maybe we can come hang over the 4th... will you be around?